Sunday, February 10, 2008

God is so good!

I have great news for those who haven't heard! I'm transfering to a department in Springfield with the company I work for sometime in March. I'm so excited that I will no longer have to make the commute from Springfield to Monett everyday with Hannah. I know Hannah will be glad too.

As with several events in my life, God made it so clear that this is exactly what He had planned for me. I would like to share this journey. I originally applied for this positon back in October. I wanted it so bad, I was starting to completly stress myself out about it. On the afternoon when I knew the decision was going to be made and it was down to me and one other person, I was a nervous reck. I didn't know what I was going to do if I didn't get it, but at the same time knew that may be the may not be mine this time. I went into the bathroom at work (oh yes, the bathroom) and prayed. I told God that I knew He knew how much I wanted this right now but I also knew that this may not be the plan He has for me. I asked Him to take the burden of me worrying about this job because I couldn't handle it anymore. It is just amazing what God will show you when you just ask Him. I had this picture in my mind of me lifting my hands and another hand reaching down and taking what I was holding in my hands. The hand then came back down and scooped up what was on my shoulders. It was as though God was telling me "I'm going to take all this worry and fear that you just had in your hands to give me but I'm also going to take these worries that you don't even know you have or that you think you can handle but I know you can't." It was an incredible picture, it was overwhelmnig for me. When I got back to my desk, I had a message, the job was not mine this time, but I was okay with that and I was 100% certain that this was part of His plan for me right now.

Fast forward about 3 months to January. I was having a bad week at work and I really didn't think I could take anymore. I had walked down to the cafeteria to bring something back for lunch. On the walk back I was by myself and I prayed. I told God that I know He says He will never give us any more than we can handle and He may think I'm stronger than I feel I am, but this was all I could handle. I told Him I could not take anymore. I knew He had a plan for me but this can't be it. I had not even been at my desk for 5 minutes when I got a note from the supervisor I had interviewed with back in October asking if I was still interested...he had another opening. When I saw that message I immediatly thought, God is good! I knew that this was not a guarantee that I had a new job and I had to go through the interview process again but the fact that God gave me a clear and almost immediate sign that He was by my side. I will never forget it.

1 comment:

Linden said...

This is a great story! Thank you for sharing. It's a reminder we all need.