Sunday, February 10, 2008

Hannah's Makeover

Hannah received a makeover 2 weekends ago! She will no longer answer to "Shaggy Dog". Her bangs were so long and we kept thinking that the longer they get the easier it will be to put her hair back with a little barrett or pony tail. The only problem is Hannah will pull out anything that's in her hair within about 20 minutes regardless of how tight the barrett is (I mean it had to hurt when she was ripping those things out sometimes with stands of hair left in them) and regardless of whether or not her hands were covered in mac and cheese or any other food group that she would then rub all in her hair.

So when I was at my cousin Jenn's salon on Saturday for a haircut we stuck Hannah in the chair first for a mini-makeover. As you can see, she left the curls in the back. :)


Linden said...

Those curls are SO cute!

Mom of 4 Maniacs said...

I love bangs on little girls!!!