Thursday, September 4, 2008

Yes! It's an update!

Ok, I realize I have been horrible about keeping this updated and I hate for my first post in months to be picture less but I wanted to post a quick funny story from the other day while it was on my mind.

The other night Corey was carrying Hannah to bed and he took her hair tie out that was holding the top part of her hair out of her eyes right on top of her head. The hair pretty much stayed in place and just fanned out a little bit over her head. Sydney was looking at her while this was going on and said, "Ha! Hannah has 80's hair!". Corey and I both cracked up. How did she even know what 80's hair was, but sure enough that's how I would have described it too if I was picking a decade. Apparently Hannah Montana has been to an 80's party on the show...


Missy said...

Took you long enough! But that was a good story. You can always count on Syd!

Our Trio said...

I am in agreement with Missy! I'm also cracking up at Syd - how did she know what the 80's style was??

Mom of 4 Maniacs said...

ahhh...leave it to Hannah Montana. Ian's "favorite", by the way.